At Insight Threat Intelligence, we provide unique learning and training opportunities. Our courses are run either in person (contact us for more details) or on the Thinkific platform. This allows our training to be accessible anywhere you have an internet connection, and from the comfort and convenience of your phone.

Hamas Financing

Detecting and Disrupting Hamas Finance

Our 30 page Hamas financing report looks at all the ways that Hamas finances its activities. This includes an in-depth look at historic and current revenue sources, how the group procures weapons and devices for terrorist attacks, the movement mechanisms used by the group (including a section on cryptocurrency), and a detailed analysis of Hamas’s management and storage activities. We also created a visual of Hamas’s financial network to facilitate understanding of the global reach of the group. Finally, we explore how Hamas hides the source, destination, and use of funds. 

Part of our value-added in this report is our ability to identify intelligence gaps: what kind of intelligence and information the international community needs in order to detect and disrupt Hamas financing. 

We also take a critical look at some mistakes we’ve seen in open-source reporting on the topic. We cast a critical eye on all reporting, making this the most reliable and comprehensive report you’ll find anywhere. 

The final section looks at a variety of different options for disrupting Hamas financing, and outlines a strategy for tackling the group with the aim of making sure that they’re never able to orchestrate an attack like October 7th again. 

Terrorist Financing Analysis

Terrorist financing can be challenging to detect & disrupt. Terrorists use a wide variety of methods to raise funds; procure weapons and goods; and conduct both seemingly simple and complicated operations. Understanding terrorist financing is complex, and is compounded by a lack of comprehensive resources available to help practitioners. Analysis of terrorist financing has long been considered a niche area, with only a few scholars and practitioners willing to undertake work in the field. However, learning more about the subject is important because money is fundamental to terrorism, enabling an organization’s sustenance and operations.

This course is designed to help you understand terrorist financing in an informative and engaging way. The lessons help learners identify, analyze, and describe terrorist financing methods and mechanisms. The provided content can be combined with other forms of research or analysis (for example, group or country-based research), or can be used alone for finance-specific analysis to help enhance and advance the work of practitioners. Students who successfully complete this course will gain a solid understanding of terrorist financing and will be able to analyze and report on financing methods and mechanisms.

With this training, you will delve into case studies of terrorist financing, ranging from how groups and organizations finance their activities to how specific attacks have been financed. This will allow you to operationalize your learning, and immediately improve your ability to detect and disrupt terrorist financing activities. 

Included in this course is a free year's subscription to the Insight Intelligence newsletter and access to an analytic tool and tutorial to operationalize your learning. You'll also receive lifetime access to our ever-growing library of terrorist financing cases. This includes case studies on groups and individual attacks!

Who is this course for?

Compliance Professionals

If you work in a bank, fintech, money service business, or other type of financial institution, you’ll benefit from the comprehensive knowledge of terrorist financing you'll get from this course.

The lessons include up-to-date case studies on how terrorists and extremists have exploited different types of financial services.

Researchers / Academics

Taking the course will give you access to curated, comprehensive, and reliable information that provides important foundational context to research on terrorist financing.

The analytical frameworks, case studies, and access to additional resources are valuable tools for studying terrorist financing.

They will help you continue contributing to the scholarly landscape in this domain.

National / International Policy Professionals

Do you set national anti-money laundering / counter-terrorist financing policies?

Do you work on international norms relating to illicit financing, or perhaps terrorism issues?

This course provides you with the information you need to effectively analyze these topics and make evidence-based policies.

Law Enforcement and Security Service Professionals

If you’re working to detect and disrupt terrorism and other security threats, you’ll benefit from the course because the unique combination of information and analysis will help you understand terrorist financing.

How that knowledge can be leveraged as another tool in your investigative toolbox.

Financing January 6th

Some of our bespoke research is also available for one-time purchase through our course platform. Our current offerings include analysis on how the January 6th Insurrection was financed, complete with a downloadable report and webinar.

Custom Financial Training

We have led in-person training on terrorist financing, financial intelligence, financial disruption, economic security, suspicious transaction detection, and much more. We offer courses in both French and English, and tailored to your exact needs.

If you are interested in an in-person training event, get in touch with your idea.